Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Deep thoughts

Random Musings


Vijayshankar B

(A random collection of wit, philosophy and quotes)


Copyright © 2014 by Vijayshankar B

The essence of life,

Some of us born in a luxury dorm,

But most of us in a barn,

What matters is that you are born!!


Some of us fed cow's milk,

But most of us a powdery gimmick,

What matters is that you have been fed and don't get sick!!


As we grow dense,

Some adorned at an expense,

But most of us with clothing that just make sense,

What matters is that you respectfully maintain relevance!!


Some get a great education,

Some are lucky to achieve matriculation.

What matters is that you learn articulation!!


Some work with art, create beauty,

Some become tennis stars, call them sporty,

What matters is that you have the right attitude towards duty!!


Some go through life as waders,

Some as invaders,

But what matters is that you understand the essence of life, which is understanding "What Matters”!!


"Keep on trying till you succeed" does not mean,

Keep on trying until you achieve what you want.

It means,

Keep on trying until you get Success.

More often than not, Success and "What you want?" are totally different.

The wise will note this distinction. Success is God Made. "What you want" is Manmade.


The difference between a normal person and a great person is that,

A normal person on Valentine's Day - demonstrates love & affection,

A great person when demonstrates love & affection - it is like Valentine's Day.

May the great person's definition hold good for you 365 days.


All winners,

Were once whiners.

It was excruciatingly sunny,

Before they laid hands on money.

More enemies in the stealth,

Than friends with wealth.

They started out dumb,

Eventually saw the shine of wisdom.

Experienced pain,

Before the sweetness of rain.

20 hours of Night,

Only 4 hours of Bright.

Behind a dim glass pane.

Than aboard a jet plane.


Not Gunning.

On the receiving end.

Not in the lending end.

Under the cover,

Not on top of the tower.

Earning for sanity.

Not for vanity.

The True wheels of fortune don't speed up for anybody,

It takes everyone in the world the same time to become somebody.

There are artificial wheels that may get you somewhere,

But it moves on a different track that ends in a place without care.


There really is only one lesson worth learning in life.

That is,

"Just Hang On"


In Three words you can sum up Success,

"Business is Caring"

In Three words you can sum up Failure,

"Caring is Business"

In Three words you can sum up Courage,

"Risking is doing"

In Three words you can sum up Cowardice,

"Doing is Risking"

In Three words you can sum up Intelligence,

"You use Technology"

In Three words you sum up Idiocy,

"Technology uses you"


Contemporary theoretical physics is at its lowest ebb of irrelevance.

The Hawking says this and Hawking said that has to be replaced by something

Society can relate to.

This humbug started with Einstein who led the conspiracy to envision complexity, vagueness and gobbledygook.

The fact that this crap gets disproved and re-theorized every 20 years means, it has no place in intelligentsia.

It is fiction on 16 cylinders; it is not easy on the ears, meant for impressing girl friends and hapless colleagues.

Theoretical physics is a real fairy-tale,

The real truth,

"How can you know time when you are the person who has defined time?"

"Does space really exist or is it a notion of a boundary less something that someone put in your mind?"

Thought experiment:

Assume: "All education system had defined space as a 6x6x6 hole in your backyard",

"Now what is the universe?”

Stephen Joking says "Space is a 7x7x7 hole in his backyard"

"Now what is the universe?”

Albert Painstein: "Space is a golf course in New York City"

"Now where is the universe?”

Non-believers see the movie, "Inception" 10 times. "We are victims of the great Thought Managers of this world".

Theoretical physics is their greatest tool.


The restaurant owners served the illusion that delicious food is really "WHAT IS",

The Liquor baron the illusion that intoxication and great drinks are really "WHAT IS",

The industrialist the illusion that useful finished products are really "WHAT IS",

The scientist the illusion that unearthing facts of nature and discoveries are really "WHAT IS"

The technologist the illusion that his inventions that make our life better are really "WHAT IS"

The programmer creates the illusion that software that makes us productive is really "WHAT IS",

Religion created the illusion that service to GOD is really "WHAT IS"

Philosophizers created the illusion that rational thought is really "WHAT IS"

The Great ones created the illusion that working without detachment is really "WHAT IS",

But still the best the Yogis, the Zen, the Advaita created the illusion that the concept that everything is illusion is really "WHAT IS"


The person who has truly realized "WHAT IS" knows all this is funny because creating illusions is really "WHAT IS"


Facts are really useless because they are just one possibility of fiction.


The FROGS OF SHANKARVILLE - a suspense story by Vijay.

There was a landslide and the highway was blocked. I took the shortcut jungle road, there was a small ugly frog croaking in the wayside,, when all of a sudden, I heard a meek voice. It was a young girl, she said "Help me, I am hungry!". I got down from my car gave the child a candy and went home. I told my father, he said, "Be careful that road has ghosts!!” Next day I was unable to locate my father, my mother told me, he might be out boozing. So I went to college. On my return the highway was blocked. I took the shortcut jungle road, there were 2 small ugly frogs croaking in the highway, when all of a sudden, I heard a meek voice. It was the same girl, she said, "Help me, I am hungry". I was a bit hesitant but what harm could this innocent girl do, I got down, gave the girl a candy and asked her to run away from there as fast as possible. I told my mother, she was a terrified "My god that is a ghost road, be really careful". Next morning, my mother had written a letter that she was off to her sister's place and asked me to take care. I took off to college, again on my return the highway was blocked, and I was petrified with fear. But decided to take a chance and took the shortcut jungle road. There were 3 small ugly frogs croaking in the wayside. All of a sudden the same girl's voice "Help me, I am hungry". I shouted at the top of my voice, "Yooou r the gghost". Years later, a wagon journeyed through the road. There were 4 small ugly frogs croaking in the wayside. All of a sudden there was a meek child voice, "Help me, I am hungry....."


If you criticize someone, you injure him.

If you false compliment, you kill him.


It is the nature of the scorpion to sting, if you don't like it wear Gum Boots. Don't say the world is against you...


They say swimming alongside a salmon is mutually beneficial. It makes you a free snack. It makes the salmon a fry snack.


The action hero was fighting a gorilla in the edge of a cliff. The gorilla was taking all the beating and did not hit back.

He took a momentary glance at his girl friend and resumed fighting. Immediately the gorilla pushed the hero off the cliff.


If you want to fight a gorilla fight but don't sight!!


Eat sharks that you fought.


It is better to be the shortest among giants than to be the tallest among dwarfs.


If the street you are in is stinking,

Run as fast as you can and reach your destination.

Be mama's boy, cover your nose, walk the full distance & cry your heart's content in the privacy of your home.

Think about our politics, surely there can no greater stench than that.

Play cricket, you can go as far away from the field and pretend you are playing like our Fielders.

Get hooked onto Temple Run!!

Converse with your friend, chances are he may say, "Stench this, come to my town - I will show you stench". Some relief that!

Pretend there is no stench; recite "Suppress short term gains for long term success" or any of the inspirational Band-Aids.

Write the book, "Positive effects of stench on body's immunity system" and sell it for $0.99 on Amazon.

Develop a software that captures the analog aroma into digital signals and feed it into an a weather forecasting android app.

Have a contest with your friends, "Who can collect the maximum pebbles on the street?". The winner gets Rs.10 for 4 pebbles.

Jump over the wall to the next street, and start a Burger stall with the money you earned in the pebble contest

(Make sure others don't have the same idea)

Fake it never happened, and tells everyone it was a dream stroll. It is not what happened to us, it is how we interpret it. Most of us go through life like this right?


Choose any strategy but for heaven’s sake, "Don't BEAT yourself up because the

Street is STINKING."


Ever observe,

That if you hate what you like, you like it even more.


What happens when Function works on Input?

Function works only on weekdays...!!


You don't die when life ends.

You die when you end "living".


You owe your brother Rs.50.

You pick and eat a guava from your brother's tree.

You get a throat infection and consult the doctor.

The doctor decides to prescribe medicines from Pharma X.

The chemical firm B sells Antibiotic ingredients to the Pharma X.

A new machine tool firm C has recently started selling the equipment needed to manufacture the chemicals.

The royalty for that machine tool goes to a research firm D of which your brother is the head.

(He gets a Rs.1 Million for new customers on-boarded)

You can never really cheat another man. The universe has a way of restoring balance.


Creativity is abundant intelligence. It is only form where the statement "I am better than him/her" is meaningless. It is not a 100 m dash where there can be only 1 winner. Both serious and trivial have a place and time where they find a appreciative audience. And finding an appreciative audience is about the least concern for a person who enjoys creating. People in the competitive plane always ask questions like "Is my poem better?", "Is my soup more delicious?". That is more like asking "Is eating better than breathing?", "Is seeing better than hearing?", Maybe "seeing" if I am in a hill station but maybe hearing if I am an opera. But there is no one answer. There can never be a single creative piece that satisfies everyone at the same time or a single creative piece that displeases everyone. Don't get wings clipped by criticism. Understand your best talent is god's greatest secret and you will have an audience somewhere. Thrash out.

They put together engine & coaches and called it a Train.

It moves on land.

They put together clouds & dew and called it Rain.

It moves in the air.

They put together used water and pipes and called it Drain.

It moves under the ground.

They put together water, minerals, and seeds and called it Grain.

It moves into your mouth.

They put together neurons, grey matter and a skull and called it Brain.

It moves everything.

Sadly they put together ego, selfishness and inaction and called it Vain.

It prevents everything from moving and worse it gives everyone around, Pain.


If you hit a six.

Unhappy: Often someone's head


If you hit a four.

Unhappy: Umpire if he is suffering from spondylitis, Ad-boards in the pavilion.


If you are clean bowled or stumped

Unhappy: Stumps


If you are run out

Unhappy: The crease near the stumps.


If you are caught

Unhappy: Bowler's fingers.


If you are running between the wickets.

Unhappy: Sports shoes


No Ball, Wide

Unhappy: Bowling coach.



Unhappy: Often the Batsman's Leg


Unhappy: Spectators for wasting their breath on a non-event.


Century, Fifty

Unhappy: Statistician



Unhappy: In very critical Final matches, this is one time LCD TVs wish they were made of rock.


The point is, everything you do will have someone in the sidewalks shouting at you.

"Don't worry about the umpire's recently operated neck if have decided to blast 100 boundaries.”

"What is not your problem is really not your problem until you think it is your problem and then it is the only problem!!”


6 stages of a dumb Businessman,


1.) There is no work.

2.) The Businessman does both work and romance at home.

3.) The Businessman works in the office and goes home for romance.

4.) The Businessman works at home and romance in the office.

5.) The Businessman's only work is romance in the office.

6.) There is no work.


Why are people leaders so hard to find and why are they so expensive?,

You see we need something as sophisticated as a telescope to recognize a STAR.


The film industry dons create the brand image.

Background singer sings the songs.

Choreographer shows the moves.

Artist creates the sets.

Cinematographer sets the view.

Fashions artists create the clothes, makeup.

Hair stylists - the hair.

The directors create the story, screenplay, jokes.

The producers shell out the money.

The distributor liaison with theatre owners.

The theatre owners screen the movie.

The audience invest time, patience (lots of it) & money.


What about the heroes, the heroines, the comedians & the villains. ? What is that you have paid for?

Well actually they are a figment of your imagination. You pay for what you visualize

Because if you take away all the above, you are left with thoughts. +ve, -ve, neutral.

All entertainment is about conjuring an emotion/image in your mind.

Familiarity, Cleverness, Bizarre, Cuteness, Beauty, Mischief, Passion, Vengeance - If you knew nothing about all these feelings - Entertainment would be meaningless.

A emotive person reacts more fervently than a blunted one. That is the reason for the vast difference in receptiveness across an audience.


The best sound is silence,

The best food is that which appeases the hunger,

The greatest knowledge is knowing nothing,

The best sight is what you visualize,

The greatest intelligence is to realize intelligence is manmade,

The best solution is to realize there was no problem in the first place,

The best medicine is to understand there was nothing wrong with us,

The greatest wealth is to realize that we already have all the wealth,

The fastest way to do things is to realize there is no necessity to do things fast,

If someone said death was a pleasurable dreamy vacation, would you strive so hard to avoid it.

The most pleasurable journey is through the mind,

The greatest tragedy is we fail to understand all the above,

The greatest comedy is even if we do, we talk ourselves out of it, think why?


The HARE & THE TORTOISE story (modern version)

A hare and a tortoise met and decided to race for success. The hare was determined to put behind the millennium's worst insult to their community inflicted with the "THE SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE" technique.


The hare rushed from the starting point and after an hour he could not even see the tortoise with a binocular. Excitedly he ran as fast as he could and after 4 hours reached the finishing spot and SHOCKERS - the tortoise was already there waiting for him. The referee declared the tortoise winner.

Hare:"But this is impossible.. !??"

Tortoise smiled, "Well in case you didn't notice this is a giant circular track!! - You are in the finishing point even if you don't move a step"

The new moral: "THE WINNERS WIN THE RIGHT RACE" - slow, steady, fast, furious comes later and varies from situation to situation.

Success means and should mean progress - don't waste time and effort if your path brings you back to the starting point.


Explanation: We frequently indulge in activities that are counter-productive and bring us down physically, mentally and morally. Any wonder that you were a better person last year than you are this year. Is what you do improving you to become a statesman of sorts or Are you in a wild goose chase that will leave you with a juvenile personality when you reach a mature age?


An ode to Sachin Tendulkar, the batting legend

Staying Power

Boeing 747 on high octane rocket fuel,

Mohammed Ali's fiercest boxing duel.

Stroke play

Angelina Jolie's at her seductive best,

King Kong's strength when he beats his chest.


Gandhi during his South African stay,

Churchill when his hair turned gray.


Mother hen over its dear eggs,

Banyan tree with young and frail under its legs.


Usain Bolt in the 100m sprint.

Bill Gates when he is emptying the mint.


Nadia Comenaci displaying calisthenics,

European pyrotechnics.


The Great Wall of China,

Is enough to describe Sachin's Arena.


To entertain himself, When God decides to descend to Earth,

He usually orders a divine warrior called Sachin to take birth.


Work or Finance, Food or Entertainment, Time or Energy, Thoughts or Speech, Friendship or Marriage or Family. In all these,

Tasty is mostly not Healthy,

Healthy is mostly not Tasty.

It is a crucial distinction to understand in life...


FB users hate LIKE because now they don't know what that means.

Polar bears hate fur because you would kill for it,

Cars hated roads, if not for roads they could have been planes.

Men hated intelligence; they could not find it by Googling.

Women hated men's intelligence, because they found it only on FaceBook.

Hindi film viewers hated Love because they found in Reel as in Real it lasted only till the intermission.

Students hated Soft drinks because if it was not called soft they would have never realized a drink could be hard.


Raj: You would never catch a fever or cold in Mr.George's History class ..

Ram: Why?

Raj: Even the viruses are sleeping!!


Teacher: If a war breaks out between the squids and octopuses, who would win?

Kid: The food court!!


The cannibal was roasting the foreigner; unable to bear it he finally said “I will trade my gold for freedom".

Cannibal: 'Ok cool and he returned with a 6 ft leopard and said, ‘Freedom’, take good care of our guest.”


There comes a moment in every warrior's life when he says "Enough of talk, lets go for the kill". These are History's defining moments!!


Never judge a man by what he is today!!. Every man needs and deserves the right mentorship to bloom.

Every diamonds leaves behind a legacy of millions of years of extremely strenuous strengthening processes.


The most important thing is to understand what the most important thing is!!


I could get a BMW gifted to me alternatively,

I could sweat 10 years in a row, learning skills, balance work & life, building relationships, navigating difficult customers,

Delivering key projects sometimes start all over again but ultimately book my dream BMW.

What is the difference? It is the difference between knowing the murderer's name before I read the top-rated thriller book and after!!!


Are you living for yourself or for others?


If companies had a upper limit on IQ points for hiring, would you still consider developing intelligence important. ?

If acquiring knowledge no longer fetches you a job, will you stop education?

If being ugly is "in fashion", will you dress like a beggar. ?

If being unfit is considered more "cool", will you stop gym visits?

If stealing is made legal, will you rip your neighbour?

The truth is much of what we do or decide to do is determined by specifications of the society.

So what percentage of what you do is because "you enjoy it, you benefit from it" vs. "someone said you should enjoy or benefit from it."

So what percentage of what you do is because "you see value, you see truth" vs. "world sees value, world sees truth"

Whose version of how life should be led are you LIVING?


Opportunity knocks the door only once.

Maybe, but it knocks the windows all the time.


In Love affairs, All's well that ends well.

In real Love affairs, All's well that ends in the well.


You should never cheat your doctor or your lawyer

Indian context: Never cheat to become a doctor or a lawyer


The most contradictory pair of eternal wisdom,

A bird in your hand is worth 2 in the bush.

Count your chickens before they are hatched.


Don't cry over spilt milk.

That is good advice; the place is very wet already.


Points to ponder - Would knowing this change some of your priorities?

The bravest person is the first to get shot in a battle.

The most delicious fruits are generally eaten by birds and insects in the orchard.

The most sophisticated books are never read, they get eaten by moths.

The most expensive and beautiful car never goes out of the showroom.

The richest people are often the loneliest.

The most nutritious food never gets around to being eaten and eventually dumped.

The best advice and quotes are only posted in FB/Website but nobody heeds it.

The greatest inventions have no practical application.

The most intelligent person is also the most avoided.

The most expensive meal you had in a star restaurant is also the most forgettable.


The Law of getting & giving

The law that governs giving and getting is the most exalted, complete and proven law in this universe.


Give without expectations, Give with a pure heart. When you decide to give don't ask the question "what if".

The person to whom you are giving (wealth or knowledge) may choose to cheat you but if you have given something in good faith you need not worry.

Because the person to whom you share may not be the intended recipient, he is only an intermediate or link.

Remember the ways of the universe are different, what you give eventually reaches the really needy if you have given in good faith.

Don’t worry about whom you give it to or what, share yourself completely without holding back, because there may be someone in the world right at the moment needing what you have to offer and it is the will of nature to make sure it will reach that person.


Seek with an open mind and true faith. Seek without inhibition. Your kith / kin or your friends may not be able to help you.

But if you really want something you will get it, through sources unheard of, the links that terminate at you are known to none other than the eternal wisdom.

Someone may open a start a new service, write a new book, or just say something that will open vistas for you.

You won't know the person, he won't know you. Universe just bonds the giver and the seeker in strange ways; we are not capable of realizing or perceiving.


Give & Get as a simple human being with absolute positivity. Leave it to Nature to create the links and be amazed.


My take on how the Brain belief system operates - Understand why you think the way you do

The human being is not an individual identity or ego; it is just a complex system of neurochemical interactions.

Fundamentally there is the left brain and the right brain.

The left brain is the biased brain - it is filled with our belief system, self-esteem, self-confidence, knowledge (personal, practical and skill based).

The left brain when presented an input that goes contrary to its belief system, knowledge or any other parameter it releases neurochemicals similar to when animals are threatened for survival. This generally causes depression or aggression or denial or scepticism depending on the person.

In order to restore this imbalance the left brain always goes about making complex mental adjustments that will somehow neutralize the imbalance.

Case Study

E.g. When the left brain is presented an input (say, our next door neighbour has bought a Mercedes Benz) it would immediately react in any of the following ways,

Make a mental note such as,

1.) The guy bought a car with ill-gotten wealth so it is ok for me to accept that he is better off.

2.) The guy bought a car but he is an illiterate and he can never speak English, he is such a local guy, nobody would respect him anyway - so this is fine for me to ignore.

3.) The guy bought a car, I have a huge farmhouse that he can never buy - so this fine.

4.) The guy bought a car but his kids would amount to no good, my kids are doing PhD in computer science so I can ignore this fact.


He may seek information from Sadhus, Internet self-help gurus who say things like,

1.) Materialism like buying a car is bad, in the long run charity and helping others only will help us achieve the end state of salvation so I am fine to ignore his buying the car.

Or resort to,

Sadism, (When none of the above mental notes are able to reset your imbalance)

1.) Could they cause misery to this person that makes his buying this car totally unremarkable??

Once such an adjustment is established generally the brain would use something called Confirmation Bias to prove what it said to itself is correct.

For e.g. if you use a mental note that “his kids would amount to no good while yours are great”, you would subconsciously find evidence that your kids are superior and ignore the real truth. You may for instance find your neighbour’s kid incapable of operating a music instrument and use that fact as a validation of your original premise – Although there is no universal logic that says that a kid has to be proficient in a music instrument to be academically or intellectually superior.


The key learning from this that most of us would spend entire lives in reactive mental adjustments instead of real achievements. This is the pitfall of living an entirely identity/ego based life .


Don't Mistake software reuse for the artwork that people do with reused cola cans, bamboo sticks and glue.


PS: Most programmers do that mistake. You know who you are!!

Science Fiction: 2030 - The perils of Air pollution.

Due to air pollution, conversations got distorted and key words changed.


Boy 1: Can you marry me and give me a new life?

Girl 1<heard it as>: Can you carry me and give me a new life?


Boy 3: The past is garbage, our future is in love.

Girl 3<heard it as>: The past is garbage, our future is in stove.


Boy 4: You are a star dancer; the world will knock your door.

Girl 4<heard it as>: You are a bar dancer, the world will knock your door


Boy 5: You are like a real fire when you are angry.

Girl 5<heard it as>: You are like a real tire when you are angry.


If the cricket ball is the size of a football with bright red spots, there is no way you are going to miss hitting the ball.

If you have overwhelming, colourful and alluring goals, you cannot be stopped from achieving it.


The things that radically transform your life for the better are,

Not tasty,

Nor melodious,

Nor breathtaking,

Nor heart-warming,

Nor cute,

Nor beautiful,

Nor intellectual,

Nor caring & understanding,

Nor gentle,

Nor romantic,

Nor inspiring,

Nor comfortable,

The things that do change you for the better are ones that throw your life out of gear with multiple kicks in the teeth.


Many say, "Failure was the stepping stone for all successful people,.."

But what many don't realize is, "Success was the stepping stone for all failures


You can choose to lead any type of life you want, but can you gracefully accept the consequences of those choices. ?


What makes the REAL difference?


It is not the biryani; it is the nutmeg, cloves & cinnamon.

It is not the milk; it is the cocoa & coffee seeds.

It is not the fabric, it is the design.

It is not the diamond, it is the cut.

It is not the expensive ship that sunk in the movie Titanic, it is the poignant romance well narrated.

It is not the IPhone, it is Angry Birds & Temple Run.

It is not the $10,000 Plasma TV, it is Cable TV.

It is not the marriage, it is the trust.

It is not the PC; it is Microsoft Office & Photoshop

It is not the World Wide Web, it is Facebook & GMail

It is not the prestigious college; it is the unforgettable hostel life.

It is not the party, it is the jokes.

It is not the cruise; it is the dolphin dive in the sea.

It is not the million dollars home; it is seeing your baby crawl in it.


Understand what makes the REAL difference.

Only then you can give and get real VALUE. More importantly you will know where the life in your life is?


For morals to improve,

"Those living in glass houses, should not throw stones at others"


For nations to improve,

"Those living in marble houses, should not throw loans at others"


"Life needs water,

But progress in Life needs laughter."


"In 20,000 AD, 10 years of schooling is not enough to cover HISTORY subject. This will be a blocker issue for the education department."


"The problem is not that we have problems, the problem is that most of us live with it."


Being in a bathtub is good practice. If the city went under water you are just in a bigger bathtub.


In front of me were two roads A and B.

As per the great leaders, I walked the road less travelled, which was the road B and after some time there were two more roads. Once again I took the road less travelled by and after some time it joined road A.


Board outside a television service centre.

"Ask not what the TV did for you. Ask yourself what you did for the TV."


Foreign guests in a hotel electrified in throng,

Listening to the music from the room all day long.

Such a sad song,

The guest never realized something was wrong,

The music was just the sound of 2 idiots playing ping pong.


The next time you are feeling bitter because someone demeaned you or let you down, remember this: Mosquitoes bite people for blood; they cannot survive if they find honey instead.


I called up the customer service agent.

He said "Grrrrr!!"

I thought maybe he was in a bad mood, so called again after an hour,

He said "Grunttt"

I said "Mr. Agent, you have no idea who I am, please conduct yourself or I will report this to your superior".

He said "Brrrrrrr, ummhhh"


I said "I will report this to media, you bloody scum", I continued to scream at the top of my voice for about 30 minutes.

Just then, my son entered, "Dad, you know what I called the zoo this morning, it seems the gorillas went wild"

Moral: Never redial


Animal Wisdom


Character: The king does not worry, about getting food every day.

Learning: The truly confident person understands his worth, knows his potential.

Don’t be plagued by concerns & worries, if you are capable, success and happiness is bound to follow.

Increase your sense of self-worth.



Character: Ants give full attention to what they are doing, lifting. They don't care about the environment. As long as they are not physically blown away, their focus is on the task at hand. You can never disturb an ant.

Learning: When you want to be productive or need to give your best adopt the ant's behavior. The environment or external factors should not divert your attention. It is all about giving 100% whatever maybe the task.



Character: When an elephant walks, every step it takes makes the ground tremble. The elephant is a high impact animal.

Learning: It is important to cut down on trivial activities that do not amount to anything.

Every action you take should have high impact for everyone concerned.



Character: Collecting nectar from flowers, ignore ones that have nothing to offer. Bees in return fertilize the flower, hence making it mutually beneficial.

Learning: See the best in everyone, the highest most exalted trait,

Learn only that trait; learn to ignore shortcomings in others. When you learn something, make sure you are in a position to give something equally valuable to that person.



Character: Wait for the most optimally sized fish.

Learning: Don’t bother with small opportunities, wait not for ever but for the most optimal opportunity that life can offer at that time



Character: Thick skinned, physically fit (very solid swimmer)

Learning: Be indifferent to opinions and judgments. To be mentally/physically very agile.



Character: Kills a provoker in one blow.

Learning: Never tolerate mischief, if someone is a wrong person, provoking, and may harm you: Take one firm decisive action.



Character: Most useful when a really trained person rides it. He can make it jump, or run at top speed.

Learning: Teamwork & Synergy. 1 + 1 > 2.



Character: Stores water before a long journey.

Learning: Use any lean time to and learn new things/skills that will help you be more effective in the next project or phase of life.



Character: Behaves very weird and very unpredictable.

Learning: Be unpredictable to your enemies. Confuse your opponents and make them wonder your next move. If you can be mapped down and your strategies understood, you can be defeated.



Character: Lazy, slow, doesn't care about appearance.

Learning: Take time to unwind.

Don't worry too much about your shortcomings.



Character: Always graceful and gives a feel good to those around.

Learning: Try to be maintain dignity and grace



Character: Does the "donkey" work.

Learning: Don’t shy from raw hard work or routine tasks.



Character: Building nests layering raw materials one on another.

Learning: Planning out building a complex task by layering one on top of another and making sure each layer is built in the best possible manner at that point.



Character: Giraffe acquired the long neck as an evolutionary enhancement over millions of years.

Learning: Constant stretching or practice will over a period of time permanently enhance your abilities.



Character: Spider takes about 100 attempts to build a web and another 100 attempts to make it strong.

Learning: Learn perseverance from the spider. It will help you to keep trying till you succeed or do it right.



Character: The adult kangaroo raises its kid for 4 years in its pouch.

Learning: Make sure you give the protection the young, weak need. There are people who need your strength to come up in life, give yourself to them completely.


If Aliens challenge the earthlings to a chess match, a good idea is to have the world's gorillas to play with them. If the aliens win the gorillas are going to mighty mad. If they lose, they must be really stupid and we don’t need to bother with such silly aliens.


A great person spreads his ideas who in turn spread the ideas to other people. Finally all will have the same idea. A bacterium does very much the same thing.


Ever heard of the book titled "How to eat a giant moth?", the book was in the store so long that the moths ate it.


I always wondered why mosquitoes have to bite me for blood. Wouldn’t it be a better design if we keep some blood in a plate and they can soak in it all day long?


Learn it from the ants. Do you think you are doing them a favour if you carry a crystal of sugar and place it where they want? For ants carrying it - doing a task, is more important than eating it.


I knew a scientist who wanted to test emotions in things by discriminating one against other. He watered one plant more than the other, concluded plants do not have emotions. He gave some food to one dog, no food to the other; concluded dogs do not have emotion. He constructed a house with concrete on one side and no concrete on other. Well he did not live to find out but looks like his house had emotion.


Wrestling with a crocodile is a mutually satisfying pastime. It gives you thrill. It saves the crocodile the food bill.

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